A never ending household chores..When you are not earning you are spending, Yes right!
Off duty from work, earlier today I drove to a big store. Well, there are lots of stuffs which tempted me but I have good self-discipline in me so I refrain from buying unnecessary stuffs. Instead I went to the garden department and bought soil and charcoal in a thought that maybe I should transfer the old plants to bigger pots instead of buying new ones, and also since the weather was nice I took out fish to grill ...but I did nothing out of my plans, absent minded. And I found eight missed calls from the telephone lists, up to this time I did not check my mobilephone yet since I check the time when I woke up this morning, guess there are also missed calls or sms there then. Sorry, today I won't be available for anyone. I would be happy if somebody just drop by and knock at my door wanted to have for just a chat or a cup of coffee instead of booking time to visit., I am tired of formalities sometimes like having appointment at this exact time to entertain anyone, that you can't visit anyone without an appointment ...gosssh.!!! So if you happen driving and passing by our place just knock or ring d bell...if I am home you are welcome if not better luck next time!
So simple and uncomplicated as that!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Indeed!!!!!!!thanks god it's Friday and I am not booked this weekend. Eventually I am available for dates...lol! Well seriously speaking I will do some gardenings tomorrow. I'll start to mow the grass, drive to garden store to buy flowers to put outside and some easter flowers to put inside.
In the evening I will enjoy by just being myself!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the evening I will enjoy by just being myself!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunny, sunny day!!

Here I am ...stay home, computer, laundry gossh...you name it! no shortage of work even if you are day off so-called. Son is not feeling well and has fever today so I stay home. No need of asking him what we are going to eat today, he has no appetite so today I have a survival food we use to have when I was young.."bulad" (dried fish) preserved in months or year or shorter. For me it taste and smells good even if it has a fishy smell. For you north-swedes, our bulad smells far better than your surströmming.
Talking about food, When I am free and just staying home my interest in cooking comes up. Few minutes ago I ordered something special from Coop., this week I will make "dinuguan" (blood stew) some people of other race find this food weird. I will have weird food this week.
If you want to come and join just let me know and I will spare some for you.
Peaceful & precious moments
Midnight....so solemn & thoughts are flowing. I am neither homesick nor feeling lonely. In this side of the earth life is full of plannings, am planning if i have to do household works tomorrow, windowshopping just to change environment or call a friend to mingle with. Hmm, I know the last thought is next to impossible besides that it is Monday tomorrow, they might have other plans booked in their calendar already. Life is not easy when we let time control us, even if I am also a slave of time I find it very frustrating. Most of my friends work in the same work category as me and we seldom have same free days, it result that we seldom meet each other.
Either one way or the other we have to sacrifice our own family just to be with friends or with a friend. Let me see what tomorrow will bring. Goodnite blog!
Either one way or the other we have to sacrifice our own family just to be with friends or with a friend. Let me see what tomorrow will bring. Goodnite blog!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Trött och sömnig
Nu är jag verkligen trött och sömnig efter helgjobb och den där sommartiden. Hur roligt är det?
jobbat till 22 igår kväll, försökte sova så fort som möjligt efter varvningen. När jag fick sova till slut så ringde det på dörren, jau da ! sonen som skulle sova över där dem festade kom hem kl. 0300 på morgonen. Sedan måste jag ju jobba kl. 0700 på morgonen som egentligen är bara kl 0600.
Övertrött när jag kom hem, försöker värva ner mig och är hungrig. Yupp! klarar mig med restmat från 3 dagar sedan, filippinsk humba och röd vin är inte dum för att somna en timme eller två kanske.
jobbat till 22 igår kväll, försökte sova så fort som möjligt efter varvningen. När jag fick sova till slut så ringde det på dörren, jau da ! sonen som skulle sova över där dem festade kom hem kl. 0300 på morgonen. Sedan måste jag ju jobba kl. 0700 på morgonen som egentligen är bara kl 0600.
Övertrött när jag kom hem, försöker värva ner mig och är hungrig. Yupp! klarar mig med restmat från 3 dagar sedan, filippinsk humba och röd vin är inte dum för att somna en timme eller två kanske.
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