Saturday, September 27, 2008

just hangin' on

the fall is finally here no doubt about it, its chilly in the mornings and evenings now. the color of the leaves varies in colors from lightgreen, green, yellow, orange to brown and they fall one by one successively and the ground becomes colorful too. i like the fall season as much as i like the spring,, but fall/autumn is a bit depressing too. hope i won't get any of these feelings this time, cause i noticed as i get older i get depressed when cold weather as it worst comes. i don't want to experience the "gudrun storm" we had few years ago when i was on duty that evening driving around (hemsjukvård) you know?? gosh...i became more and more coward after that incident. so two winters after gudrun storm i tried to escape away from sweden or took a holiday so to say. this 2009 i just do not know where to go or should i go somewhere? planetickets are getting costly and the thoughts of airline bankruptcy eventually is unavoidable they predict.

hmmm....what a luxury problem to listen.
but it's getting boring too boring very very soon.........not mentioning the yuletide hystery going from one shop to the other buying unwanted gifts to the reciever????and all these julfest??? grrrrrrr..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

still alive and on the track again

oh yeah, am still here and got battery recharged for a while.

i'll be back and write something later about the escapades we did the last days.

au revóir!