the picture here in the left & right side is the place where I come from. At home everything is taken for granted. White beaches, blue skies and seas sorrounding upon reach.
When young I did not appreciate that this was a bit of paradise. For me a paradise was a place far away from the Philippines, where apple tree grows like the picture I had with Adam and Eve. Stupid me! If our place had been the paradise then Eve would have given Adam coconut then the bible story would not be the same as what we read today.
To sit infront of the computer every morning when I have time becomes my daily routine, its like brushing my teeth. I know I am not alone, are you the same?
Last night before I went to bed my son found me infront of the computer and show him what I was doing. I let him see my blog, smiling and waiting for some comments, he said it was OK. Huh! I did not expect he would approved that. Few days ago I told him I was thinking to blog and he said that if I do I have to make it serious. Serious?? I can't be more serious than what I am now. I guess some people find me boring enough because I am very serious.
The sun is shining today, the weatherforecast says it will be a sunny weekend. Poor me I have to work today and Sunday. It is windy outside but warm breeze.
Tempted to work in the garden but I have to give priority to the windows. It looks terrible when sun shines through, it makes me feel sick and bad mood. So here I go...hope the pollen is still unblown or else I'm done!
Time goes faster than I thought.Now it is past 12 midnite and here I am still awake. I took a nap earlier and it lasted for over an hour so I have difficulty going to bed now. I chatted to Dan earlier today, Dan is married to Cely who is from Davao, they moved and live in Davao since last summer. Earlier today he told me how it is to live, eat and dine in the restaurants in Davao. Well infact I know how it is generally in the Philippines...if you want turo-turo or semi-expensive up to the exclusive cuisine, you will be served according to what you pay for.My experience yesterday was opposite with Dan's. Yesterday it was my 4th day seminar for social sector offered by our commune. During lunch we have been served lasagne for the third time. I am not so impressed of italian foods although I like making lasagne for my son. So I chose fish it looks good, collegues said it was cod but it didn't taste like one. I guess it was coal fish, an old coal fish huh! it didn't taste that fresh was more expensive than the lasagne.
Here I am trying to write something in this so called blog. It's quite difficult what I will write about. It is not only a matter of what I will write about but also which language I will use. My learned language are not so good. My english is as bad as my norwegian and my swedish perhaps is somewhat better than my norwegian. My cebuano is not even good yet it is my native language. If you ask how about my tagalog (phil.national language) I can say is worst of the above. haha.. So please bear with me.
I am alone right now watching "Let's Dance in TV4". I got an inspiration and feel like to dance you know? My favorite is Daniel and Erica. Erica dances very good but that does not the reason why they are my favorite...the reason is Daniel, I just find him very handsome and so appealing, isn't it strange?
It is sad my favorite dance couple has to leave this time so it was their last dance. Pity but that is what contest is all about only one is the winner even if they all danced good. Lycka till vidare då!