Here I am ...stay home, computer, laundry gossh...you name it! no shortage of work even if you are day off so-called. Son is not feeling well and has fever today so I stay home. No need of asking him what we are going to eat today, he has no appetite so today I have a survival food we use to have when I was young.."bulad" (dried fish) preserved in months or year or shorter. For me it taste and smells good even if it has a fishy smell. For you north-swedes, our bulad smells far better than your surströmming.
Talking about food, When I am free and just staying home my interest in cooking comes up. Few minutes ago I ordered something special from Coop., this week I will make "dinuguan" (blood stew) some people of other race find this food weird. I will have weird food this week.
If you want to come and join just let me know and I will spare some for you.
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