Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sound of silence

Sometimes I'm wondering what's
When I'm at work I have so many plans in my head where to go, whom to call and invite them home for just a chitchat but when I'm free just want to be myself and enjoy every minutes of being myself...very strange! However, it's true that I am getting tired of all the escapades I have done when I was just a teenage. I was an impulsive type when it comes to lakwatsahan and no one could stop me that time and yet none of my parents tried to stop me either. I was infact very aware of the consequences.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Äntligen vår med sommar temperatur, det kan inte bli bättre.
Men usschh pollen sesong har också kommit, synd om min näsa helt förstörd det bara rinner ur näsan och tårarna ur ögonen, mama mia!

Men hoppsan jag klagar inte så då så!!